Canadian Roofing
Free Estimates: 416-485-0811
Family Owned & Operated Over 30 Years in Service


 It should be noted that the roofing material is only as good as the decking to which it is fastened to. If the sloping shingles and flat roof look wavy and rippled, have indentations and are holding ponding water in various spots outside of wear and tear, the problem may be with the structure. That is why we provide customized carpentry solutions and options that target the overall roof structure and appearance. From basic roof board replacement and installation of plywood sheathing, to reframing, resloping, attic stabilizing and redesign. We can help design a roof that’s right for you!

Some architects and designers are more concerned about the esthetics of the home when designing, than the overall function. This attitude, coupled with bad design can greatly impact the longevity of the roof and can cause the roofing material to prematurely fail under certain stress. Our technicians are skilled at diagnosing these issues and can create a comprehensive plan to correct and improve on these very common design and building flaws.